SPG’s first season culminated on Friday 22nd March 2019 with the groups first Annual Award Ceremony Night.

The ceremony was a wonderful evening which was very well attended by members and their guests.

It was a fantastic opportunity to socialise out-with our regular club nights and also to meet members families and friends.

Well done to all the winners but lets not forget all those who had entered competitions throughout the season, so thank you all very much.

Thank you to the President – Lenny Smith and all of the committee members for their hard work and efforts to ensure the clubs first season was a roaring success. We very much look forward to seeing you all again next season, until then keep the shutters firing and hope to see you in the winners list next year.

Photographer of the Year – Lenny Smith

Winner of Prints League – Bill Rennie

Winner of the Digital Image League – Lenny Smith

Winner of the Studio 8 Photography Trophy – Chris Reid

Winner of the Small Prints League – Ruby McWilliam

Presidents Choice for Outstanding Member – Ruby McWilliam

A big thank you goes to our sponsors

HighNet Telecoms

Willie Young Motorcycles


Studio 8 Photography

for their donations of trophies.