Lenny Smith – FSWPP Grand Master, LMPA, LBIPP – President

As one of only a handful of photographers in the UK to hold a Fellowship Qualification and the only photographer in Scotland to be awarded a Grand Master with the Societies, the largest photographic organisation in Europe it is indeed a great privilege for me to be President of this new and exciting photography group. For years my aim has been to pass on my knowledge and experience in photography to other photographers and help them on their photography journey. As a qualified National and International judge and a lecturer on photography at Moray College I feel I am in a great position to be President of SPG and with the help of a great committee beside me I would like to try and create a group that you the members are proud to be part of.

Michael Ross – Vice President & Syllabus Convenor

I am a local photographer, originally from Burghead, now living in Forres. I have been interested in photography for a long time but I have only just in the past six years really started to get into it in a serious way. I enjoy event photography as well as Macro and Painting with Light and commercial photography. I use a Nikon D750 with a full range of lenses from 15mm right through to 600mm. To date my most successful set of pictures have to be the ones I took at the 2018 Clavie.

Ann Blackwood – Secretary

I have been interested in Photography for past three years. I have attended Photography for Beginners course at Moray College and an intermediate Course out and about. This has fuelled my interest. I use a Nikon D3500. I do not have a genre. I like taking pictures of all subjects.

Debbie McCulloch – Treasurer

I have now been doing photography for nearly two years. I have a Canon R6 at present and like photographing Water, Wildlife and Macro. I attended to Moray College beginners and intermediate course after which I then joined SPG.

Dafydd Walters – Syllabus Convenor

I have only taken up photography in the last six years. With my job sending me to some locations across the world which would be some wildlife photographers dream. I decided to invest in a camera to take full advantage of the opportunity that had been presented. Wildlife has maintained my interest and is my main subject to date.

Bill Rennie LSWPP – Website Coordinator

A local photographer from Elgin, originally from Keith. Photography has been a serious hobby of mine for the past eight years, prior to that it was just ‘point and shoot’ on automatic setting. My main interest is portrait and fashion photography and am keen to try more wildlife and landscapes. I use Canon equipment, having R6 Mark II with a selection of Canon RF lenses and camera accessories.

June Jones – Competition Secretary (Digital)

I am quite new to photography, moving on from being a point and shoot ‘photographer’ in 2018 after joining the club and a few courses at the local college. I currently shoot with a Nikon D5600 and a range of lenses. I do not have a particular genre but enjoy wildlife and getting out and about with my camera.

Lyndsey Stanford – Competition Secretary (Print)

I’ve always had an interest in photography since I did my Brownies Camera badge aged 8! My grandparents bought me a bright red SuperSnaps film camera and I was off. As I got older, photography took a back seat and only recently came more naturally when my dad gifted me his old Nikon D300s. The joke was I’d never learn to use it in manual. After our family relocation to Scotland due to my husband’s work, I finally had the time to teach myself the basics and found the SPG club. I’ve since upgraded to Nikon Z6 and reignited my love for photography. Every day is a school day and I love that many people can love photography, and everyone’s style is different – some love macro / tree / people / wildlife / still life the list is endless and no two photographers are the same.

Paul Scott – Competition Secretary (Development & External)

I am a local photographer based in Kinloss, regarded locally for my shots of the Northern lights + Findhorn Sunsets. I bought my first DSLR a Nikon D7000 second hand around 7 years ago and have since added a Canon EOS M200 to my kit. Proving that you don’t need the latest equipment to produce beautiful images. You may have seen some of my work in local and mainstream media.

Keith Kingscott – Social Media

Myra Kingscott – Social Media

 Mike Hopkinson – Refreshments Technician