General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

Speyside Photography Group (SPG)

The SPG is established with the following objects :- to promote the practice and study of photography by example, tuition and sharing experience and to encourage photographers of all levels to improve their skills and enjoyment of photography and is a data controller within the UK in terms of the GDPR.

The personal information referred to in this policy concerns members’ and past members’ names, postal addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses. Members may be requested to provide further information if it is necessary for the effective management of SPG and will include records of entries to competitions and exhibitions.

In addition, SPG holds copies of members’ images for use in competitions and in programmes, catalogues and other publications recording or promoting the activities of SPG.

SPG, on occasion, holds copies of members’ images for entry to exhibitions and may also hold copies of images by non-members whose exhibition or competition entries form part of a circulating portfolio.

On occasion the club may hold images, for a temporary period, owned by persons who are members of other photographic organisations for the purpose of administering competitions.

Names and addresses of speakers and judges are retained for reference.

SPG is affiliated to the Scottish Photographic Federation (SPF) whose General Secretary can be contacted at 34 Braemar Crescent, Carluke ML8 4BH and certain information and /or data may be shared with the SPF. The SPF also maintains its’ own Privacy Policy which can be viewed at

SPG uses Photo Entry as the online platform for the submission by members of entries to SPG competitions and the name, email address and images of entrants to SPG competitions will be shared with Photo Entry.  Photo Entry maintains its’ own Privacy Policy which can be viewed at

Information and data including members’ names and images held by SPG may be used in the publication of catalogues, results, awards and programmes or other publicity material including the Website, Facebook Page and any other social media of SPG relating to SPG and its objects and activities.

SPG may retain historical archives mainly, but not solely limited to records of meetings, handbooks, catalogues, awards and event results.

The information and data held by SPG will be available to the President, Secretary, Treasurer, Competition Secretaries and Syllabus Convener with each of these office bearers having access to such information and data as is relevant to their duties in the administration of SPG.

In respect of data and information held by SPG :-

  1. On no occasion will any data or information relating to any member or members be passed, sold or disseminated by any means to any other person or organisation corporate or otherwise, except as hereinbefore stipulated, for whatever purpose without the express written permission of the member or members concerned.
  2. SPG will communicate with members by email, phone or post.

Any member wishing to verify the data and/or the information held by SPG relating to him or her may do so by application by way of email to the SPG Secretary at


September 2023