SPG 2024 Awards Night

Saturday 20th April 2024 was a fantastic night at Elgin City FC Social Club where we had our awards night for the end of the 2023/24 season. There was a very good turn out for an evening of awards, laughter, fantastic food and amazing raffle prizes. Thank you to those for attending the awards night and supporting the group and the members who were awarded certificates and trophies.

Host for the night was our President Lenny Smith FSWPP Grand Master

Congratulations to everyone who won a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in the competitions throughout the season and also to Ann Blackwood and Hilary Ford for the Presidents Choice Awards.

Congratulations Michael Ross for winning Photographer of the Year 2024.

  • Special thanks to the following people
  • Lenny for Hosting
  • Debbie for the Baking
  • Ann for the Sandwiches
  • And thank you to everyone who donated to the raffle.
  • June and Bill for the Presentations
  • Michael for the Certificates
  • Graeme for Photographs or the Evening

SPG Committee would like to thank each and every member for their continued support of the club . We hope you all had a good night and you have all enjoyed this season and we look forward to seeing you all soon. Please keep an eye on the SPG Facebook Page as we will be announcing the summer outings on hear as well.

Tue 16th Jan 2024

Guest Speaker – Dafydd Walters (The Falkland Islands)

Wonderful talk by committee member Dafydd Walkers this evening as he was telling us about his time on the Falkland Islands and the fantastic wildlife there. Such an informative evening not only about his photography but also life on the island and his experiences at the other end of the world. Thank you!

Tue 31st Oct 2023

High Key & Low Key Settings

Learning still life was the theme and members were given a tutorial on how to set up a still life and use lighting to create both high key and low key images.

Second session was a quick photoshop tutorial setting up triptych photos for next weeks Studio 8 submission plenty of time to enter your photo. The subject is family. Good luck!

Tue 17th Oct 2023

Speaker Brian Mercer – Speed and Action Photography

Excellent talk from Brian Mercer about speed and action photography. Was wonderful listening to another perspective on capturing speed in a photo.

Results – Development League Round One

Congratulations to our development league and their stunning images. It’s always fabulous to see what captures a photographers eye!

Well done to all members who entered the Development League Round 1, especially our winners.

1st Place – Pamela Gillespie
2nd Place – Nicky Young
3rd Place – Nicky Young

Next Week

Ever wondered what a triptych photo is? Tune in next week to find out.

Tue 19 Sep 2023

Brilliant night looking through some of the entries into this years Grampian Eye and understanding how images are scored. Great to get other judges opinions to and see how point of view can differ person to person.

📸 Next week being your camera!📸

Remember to charge your camera battery and also a memory card and a lens suitable for portraits.

We will learn about lighting, posing and portraiture.

And We’re Off – SPG Season 2023 – 2024 Underway

Speyside Photography Group had a fantastic opening night.

It was amazing to meet so many new faces and reconnect with familiar ones. There’s plenty of time to join if you haven’t already, we meet at the UHI Moray college on Tuesday evenings 7-9pm.

We also had a special treat with a lovely buffet.

We have a syllabus to cater for beginners and experienced photographers, so do come along and join in the fun and improve your photography skills.

It’s what Tuesday nights are for!

New 23/24 Season at SPG

So here we are getting ready for the new 23/24 season where we have new and exciting things to offer. The committee have spent many hours during the summer break putting together a very exciting and varied programme. Why not come and join us every Tuesday at Moray College from 7 – 9 pm.
We look forward to welcoming old and of course, new members to one of the largest camera club/photography groups in Scotland.

Lenny Smith FSWPP/GRAND MASTER President SPG


Two weeks ago our President attended the The Societies’ of Photographers Photographic Convention held in London. It is the largest gathering of its kind held across Europe.
Lenny had been invited to judge and hold lectures throughout the weeks events. On the Awards night which is a black tie dinner with about 500 guest the Societies’ will sometimes award their top award, this is not a given and in the last 15 years only 5 photographers have been awarded this award.
As the CEO of the Society stood u[p and started speaking apparently you could have heard a pin drop.
He started by saying “Our very special award goes to someone who has inspired and guided over 500 photographers through their qualifications, He has judged over 700 qualification panels, Has single headedly judged over 40.000 images in the monthly comps, He has judged and lectured at the last 10 conventions, he has helped guide and inspire more photographers than anyone else within the societies in the last 20 years.
This year we are awarding our top and most prestigious award and the 6th Grand Master in the UK to……… Lenny Smith”
Everyone at SPG would like to congratulate Lenny for this well earned award. The guidance and knowledge past down by Lenny has helped many of our members become much better photographers and as one of the founding members of SPG we are very lucky to have him within our club.