Two weeks ago our President attended the The Societies’ of Photographers Photographic Convention held in London. It is the largest gathering of its kind held across Europe.
Lenny had been invited to judge and hold lectures throughout the weeks events. On the Awards night which is a black tie dinner with about 500 guest the Societies’ will sometimes award their top award, this is not a given and in the last 15 years only 5 photographers have been awarded this award.
As the CEO of the Society stood u[p and started speaking apparently you could have heard a pin drop.
He started by saying “Our very special award goes to someone who has inspired and guided over 500 photographers through their qualifications, He has judged over 700 qualification panels, Has single headedly judged over 40.000 images in the monthly comps, He has judged and lectured at the last 10 conventions, he has helped guide and inspire more photographers than anyone else within the societies in the last 20 years.
This year we are awarding our top and most prestigious award and the 6th Grand Master in the UK to……… Lenny Smith”
Everyone at SPG would like to congratulate Lenny for this well earned award. The guidance and knowledge past down by Lenny has helped many of our members become much better photographers and as one of the founding members of SPG we are very lucky to have him within our club.


Tuesday 14 March – Technical Challenge

Good evening folks, well what a fantastic evening last nights technical challenge was.
Michael brought this concept to SPG and it has been a very popular evening for the last 2 seasons.
Seeing members pushing themselves out of their comfort zones and producing some amazing images.
To have members coming up and commenting on how much they enjoyed the evening tells us that we should definitely be looking to include it in next seasons syllabus.
So thank you Michael for being a fantastic host for the evening and thank you to all the members who participated.
See you all next week for the results of the 3rd round of the Digital League.

Change of planned Syllabus for Tuesday 21 Feb 23

Good Evening,

A slight change to the planned syllabus for Tuesday 21 Feb, instead of showing the member the images chosen for the Grampian eye competition, we will be now showing the images that SPG have entered into the interclub Competition.

After this we plan on connecting google maps to the display screen and asking members to share some photographic locations they know in the local (and not so Local). Hopefully we can also share some favourable information of these location such as best time of day, best weather ect…… to achieve the best results.

The idea of this is to give members some new locations to get out and explore over the summer break.

We look forward to seeing you all at club on Tuesday night.

Tuesday 14 Feb 23- Results of the 2nd round of the Print League.

Good Evening, on Tuesday evening we had the results of the second round of the print league competition. Tony Winfield kindly judged the images entered and attended on Tuesday to deliver his constructive critique. Tony was very complementary of the standard of print and the presentation of all images entered.

Congratulations to Lenny Smith who’s image was selected as the overall winner with his image, The King.

31 Jan 23- Studio 8 and 3rd round of small print results.

Apologies for the late update from last weeks club night. Last week was a results night. Firstly was the 3rd round of the small print. these images had been judged by Michael Ross, who was experiencing judging for the first time. His detailed and constructive comments were delivered by Lenny Smith. some really nice images were entered into this competition with the winner of round 3 being Debbie McCulloch with a beautiful Gannet image.
The second half of the evening was taken up with the results of the studio 8 Competition which had a set theme of ‘RED’. This competition is judged by our President Lenny Smith. Giving valuable feed back on all the images. The qaulity of some of the images entered made it difficult for Lenny to chose the overall winner. The beautiful image that was selected as overall winner belonged to Rosie Williams.
Please remember to have your images uploaded before club tomorrow night for the 3rd round of the digital league.
Remember the theme for this round is ‘Natural World’

24 Feb 23- Guest Speaker – Steve Truluck

Well, what a splendid night that was at club last night, we welcomed Steve Truluck to SPG for the evening and he delivered an outstanding presentation on his journey and connecting with marine mammals. We were also treated to a showing of ‘Truluck’ which follows Steve on the search for of Orca’s. It was a truly wonderful presentation and one I am sure all in attendance really enjoyed. Thank you Steve and hopefully we can have you back next season to see more of your adventures.

10 Jan 23 – First session of the new Year with Second Round of Digital Image league results.

Good Evening, on Tuesday 10 Jan we held our first club night of the year in our new location UHI Elgin. It was great to see everyone again after the festive celebrations.

We started this year off with the results from the second round of the digital image league. This round had a theme of Portraits (People and Pets). Terry Donnelly FSWPP, Master Photographer was the judge for this round and his comments were read out by Lenny Smith FSWPP. Congratulations to all who entered and we hope you can take the judges comments to help improve your personal photography.

A massive well done to the eventual winner June Jones with her beautiful dog portrait.

We look forward to seeing you all again next week.

13 December 2023 Meeting Cancelled

After much discussion between the committee we have come to the consensus that for the safety of all members tonight’s meeting will be cancelled. Steve’s presentation will be rescheduled for the new year as it is one that we are sure most of the membership will want to be present for. Keep warm and safe and see you all next week for the Christmas quiz.

Tuesday 06 Dec 22- SPG Photography Surgery Night.

Tuesday night we held a photography surgery at SPG. Members had been requested to email their question in prior to the evening. The evening went really well with in depth answer given by the panel of experts which included Bill Renne, Michael Ross, Iain Rollo, Rosanne Keates and Lenny Smith.
We appriciate we did not manage to answer all your questions but feel free to talk to any of the panel on a club night and they will do their best to answer.
This was a really good evening and with lots to take away by all present.
We look forward to seeing you all next week for a talk from local photographer Steve Truluck on ‘making a connection with marine wildlife’.

22 Nov 22 – 1st Round of the prints competition (Monochrome) and 2nd round of the small prints Judges comments and scores.

This evening we welcomed John Ashford From Nairn to present his comments and scores for the 1st round of the print competition. John gave very in-depth feed back on all the pictures also giving the members some good advise for things to bear-in-mind for future entries. Congratulations to Mr Lenny Smith FSWPP who’s image titled Storytime was selected as the best in this class.

The 2nd round of the Small Print competition was also judged tonight. Experiencing his first taste of Judging Dafydd Walters presented his results to the members. The Image he selected as best in Class belonged to Debbie McCullock and was titled Young one.